I make scalable apps for startups.

I spend a lot of time coding with Ruby, JavaScript, and SQL. I received a Computer Science degree from the University of Central Florida and have over a decade of professional software engineering experience.

In 2017 I started HocNest, offering Ad-Hoc software engineering resources. We have worked on hundreds of code bases, partnered with companies, and launched several products.

Currently, I am building a workflow infrastructure for developers. It's called Embed Workflow. We provide tools and resources to organizations so they can launch their workflows.

Are you considering building your workflow solution? Reach out to

Latest from blog
Create Your First Rails Engine
Create your first ruby on rails engine tutorial. Part one of three working with engines in a rails modular monolith.
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Using Local Rails Engines
Create a local rails engine nested within your rails application following a component based architecture.
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Rails engine with Rspec
Setup Rspec and Factory Bot for a Ruby on Rails engine and configure it to improve your test suite.
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Ruby Public Interfaces
Learn how public interfaces are used in Ruby and how they can lead to a more maintainable codebase.
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